The brand's color palette is a critical component of its identity. It ensures a consistent and recognizable visual language across all mediums. Adherence to the color guidelines is essential to maintaining brand integrity.
Primary Colors
The primary color palette includes colors that represent the core identity of the brand.
These colors should be used predominantly across brand materials.
Primary Colors:
Hex: #XXXXXX - [Primary Color Name 1]
Hex: #XXXXXX - [Primary Color Name 2]
Secondary Colors
The secondary colors complement the primary palette and can be used for accents or highlights.
These colors should not overshadow the primary colors.
Secondary Colors:
Hex: #XXXXXX - [Secondary Color Name 1]
Hex: #XXXXXX - [Secondary Color Name 2]
Neutral Colors
Neutral colors are used for backgrounds, text, and subtle design elements.
These colors should not compete with primary and secondary colors.
Neutral Colors:
Hex: #XXXXXX - [Neutral Color Name 1]
Hex: #XXXXXX - [Neutral Color Name 2]
Color Usage
Ensure sufficient contrast between text and background colors for readability.
Use primary colors for headings, buttons, and key branding elements.
Reserve secondary colors for highlights and accents.
Neutral colors should be used for backgrounds and secondary text.
Accessibility and Compliance
Ensure all colors meet WCAG contrast requirements for accessibility.
Avoid using color as the sole means of conveying information.
Provide alternative indicators (e.g., text labels or patterns) where color distinctions are made.